Friday 21 January 2011

Film Magazine Front Cover Anaysis

Magazine Front Cover Analysis

Empire Magazine with X-man on the front shows the main character of the film on the front cover, in a full length shot. The front cover is very bright but also dark as well. The title of the magazine is in red in order to stand out on the front but not in a way that takes your eye off the main image, it also separates the title from the other text on the page and the image. The sentence across the top of the magazine is written in white and the name of the character is in bold in order to stand out again. The text on the magazine front cover is written in black and white so that again it stands out against the blue background. The date, issue number and price of magazine are between the letter M and is in white but small text so that you can find it if you need to but also not big so that your eyes are drawn to it instead of the image. The barcode is on the right had side at the bottom so it is out the way for the reader. The front cover of Empire with Batman of the front is quite different but similar. The image is of a close up of the character and nearly the whole image and magazine cover is black. The title of the magazine is in blue but is transparent so that it stands out but blends with the black background. The title of the film is in white underneath the title of the magazine so that when you read the magazine name, the title of the film associated with the front cover is directly underneath it and ties-in. The front cover of this magazine has barely any text so that the reader can have their eyes drawn to the image on the cover. Also the text on the front cover is blue and white so that it stands out and so the reader can see it.  I feel they may have chosen the colour of the text to be blue and white in order to create a cold theme so that it dramatises the magazine and makes you feel a bit shocked by the movie. The image again adds to the coldness and shocked bit of the theme as it is very intimidating and powerful but makes you feel not too scared. It also makes you feel as if you know the character and what they are like already even though you don’t know them. Both the magazines compared are quite similar but different in a way that the shot types are different, the colour theme is different and the capacity of the text on the front cover is differen

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